Tuesday 21 August 2012

Team News

There are exciting times ahead at Wessington Way!

We are delighted to welcome 3 new trainee dental nurses to our team: Ashleigh, Emelia and Louise. All 3 girls are new to dentistry so please bear with us while they learn the ropes!

Our new additions are needed as our practice manager, Amanda, and nurse, Karen, are departing to go on maternity leave in September. We wish them the very best of luck with the arrival of their first children.

During Amanda's maternity leave, Jayne and Suzanne will be taking on her role.

We are also bidding a fond farewell to our nurse of 4 years, Lauren. Although we will miss Lauren's cheerful presence, she is leaving for the best of reasons, to study dental technology at Leeds University. We wish her all the best.

You said, We did

If you have been to the practice recently you may have been asked to take part in a survey regarding patient confidentiality. As we hoped, we have scored top marks in this area.

The Practice complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000. We have Data Protection policies in place which describe our procedures for ensuring that the personal information about our patients is processed fairly and lawfully. To ensure that we comply with the regulations in all respects, our patients need to read our Data Protection policy and sign to say that they understand it. We are currently in the process of providing our patients with this information for them to sign.

Next time you attend the practice we will be asking you to read the policy and to sign the declaration, if we have not done so already. Thank you for your co-operation and patience whilst we undergo this necessary task and, in any event, please do not hesitate to ask us at any time, to see our information governance policies, or any of our policies which may be of interest to you.

Floss or die! :)

We all know that you should brush your teeth twice a day, however, did you know that a third of bacteria in the mouth is found between teeth? As these are the areas that people tend to forget to clean, this is the most common area for gum disease and dental decay to start.

It is now more important than ever before to clean in between teeth with recent research showing a strong link between dental plaque and heart disease. The bacteria in plaque can reach the bloodstream through bleeding gums and cause the blood to clot. This can potentially trigger a heart attack.

As well as brushing your teeth thoroughly morning and night, you also need to be cleaning in between your teeth at least once a day. This is done by using dental floss or inter-dental brushes.

Some people find flossing tricky. Watching yourself in the mirror will make it easier. As will using a good quality floss. We recommend Crest Glide or Oral-B Satin floss. The following flossing technique is recommended by our dentist and hygienists:

Take about 50 cm of floss and wrap it around the second finger of each hand leaving a small piece to work with. Using your thumb and index finger, pass the floss between the teeth holding it in a 'c' shape round the tooth. Gently move it up and down below the gum line to wipe off the plaque. Repeat this between each tooth using a fresh piece of floss by winding it on round your fingers.

For larger spaces between teeth, inter-dental brushes are even more effective. Please ask your dentist and hygienist what is best for you.

Follow us

As well as keeping up-to-date with practice information on our website, www.wessingtonway.com, did you know that you can also follow us on Facebook? We would love to see some of our patients become Facebook friends so please visit us at http://www.facebook.com/wessingtonway.