Monday, 2 February 2015

A Happy Event

We are delighted to announce the birth of  Reuben Oliver  on Tuesday 27th January 2015 at 11.05pm.  He weighed in at an impressive 7lbs 13oz!  A fine brother for Sophia ! Many congratulations to our Senior Practice Manager Amanda and her husband Craig and all their family.

.......and we have photos!

Reuben on 28 January 2015
Reuben on 1 February 2015

Bridge Update
After negotiations with Sunderland City Council, our practice will remain fully operational in our present location until 20th March 2015.  Alternative premises are intended to be developed at 1(b) Hylton Road which is part of the RTC North building just across the road from us and the intention of the Council is to enable continuity of care to be provided to all of our patients at that new practice.

We shall continue to keep you informed.  Thank you for your patience.